The Turbosmart GBCV will allow boost pressure to be adjusted above thestandard setting To avoid using un-reliable methods of increasingBoost, such as shortening the actuator rod.
This causes spring bind in the actuator and restricts flow through thewastegate. It avoids having to replace wastegate springs, which onlygive a fixed increase, which is not adjustable.
Turbosmart has a feature called a Gated System - unique to Turbosmart.This delays the pressure signal from entering the wastegate, whichinturn spools up the turbo faster, resulting in more boost at lowerRPM.
Setting the desired boost pressure is made easy. Simply adjust theBoost Dial on the top of the unit, without the need for any tools.Turbosmart Boost controllers are capable of increasing boost pressureto the threshold of your turbos capacity.
This causes spring bind in the actuator and restricts flow through thewastegate. It avoids having to replace wastegate springs, which onlygive a fixed increase, which is not adjustable.
Turbosmart has a feature called a Gated System - unique to Turbosmart.This delays the pressure signal from entering the wastegate, whichinturn spools up the turbo faster, resulting in more boost at lowerRPM.
Setting the desired boost pressure is made easy. Simply adjust theBoost Dial on the top of the unit, without the need for any tools.Turbosmart Boost controllers are capable of increasing boost pressureto the threshold of your turbos capacity.